Prompt #: 191
Title: Of Darkness and Spring
Word Counts: 15k
Side Pairing(s): none
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Depression, anxiety and attempted suicide
Disclaimer: The celebrities' names/images are merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrities are in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this fictional work. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Baekhyun met Chanyeol when the last had to take care of him after attempting suicide. It could be said they haven’t met in the best of circumstances.
Author's Note: This has been really hard to write, so I hope I’ve made an acceptable job of a difficult theme. Dear prompter, I really hope you like it :3 Also hi, A! After all, we’ve made it! We survived BAE 2016!
Thanks a lot to the mods for their patience, their kind emails and for all the work put into organizing this fest. And thanks a lot to every one of you who dedicates their time to read my little contribution to this fest.
Of Darkness and Spring)