Oct 11, 2012 13:41
10.11.12 and I posted at 13:40. If I had known that, I could have tried to post at 10.11.12 13:14pm ;)
eta: making this post
fandom-grammar's searchable list!
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- (<-)
A vs. An
What is the correct usage of the different "lack of" and "abundance" synonyms?
Accept vs. Except
Grammar 101: Adjectives, Adverbs and Interjections
Grammar 101 - Advanced Verbs
Affect vs. Effect
All right vs. Alright
Among vs. Amongst, Amid vs. Amidst
And vs. a comma when separating adjectives
Anyone/-body, Someone/-body
As vs. Since
Attribution Verbs in Dialogue
Averse vs. Adverse
Awhile vs. A while - (<-)
Bare vs. Bear
Grammar 101: Basic Sentence Structure
Bated and Baited
Bias vs. Biased
Blonde on Blonde
Breath vs. Breathe - (<-)
Cannon vs. Canon
Capitalization: Canon-specific
Capitalization of Military and Other Titles
Capitalization: Muggle/Wizarding
Capitalization in the "Weasley Twins," or is it "Weasley twins"?
Capitalization: should two and three letter words in titles be capitalized?
Capitalization with colons and semicolons
Clauses: Dependent and Independent
Clauses: Elliptical Adverb
"Cliché": How is the word used?
Closer vs. Nearer
Colons vs. Semicolons
Comma vs. And when separating adjectives
Comma and conjunction
Comma and Dialog Tags
Special Comma
Compliment vs. Complement
Compound Plurals
Compound Words: Hypenating
Grammar 101: Conjunctions, pronouns, and nouns.
Continuous vs. Continually
Contracted verbs
Contractions: Using Outside of Dialogue - (<-)
Dam vs Damn
Dammit/Goddamnit: spelling
Damped vs. Tamped
Dangling Modifiers
Deprecate vs. Depreciate
Dialects: Writing
Dialogs and Paragraphs
Dialogue 101: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Dialogue and Internal Thought: Differentiating
Dialogue and Narration: First-Person
Different from vs. Different than
Discreet vs. Discrete
Disinterested vs. Uninterested
Double negatives - (<-)
Each other vs. One another
Effect vs. Affect
Either vs. Neither
Writing Tips: Epithets
Except vs. Accept - (<-)
Fast vs. Quick
Faze vs. Phase
Farther vs. Further
Feature: Choosing the Right Words
Feature: Descriptive vs. Prescriptive Grammar
Feature: Did Homo Sapiens Like Girls?
Feature: How to Write an Outline
Feature: It's Not Just Us!
Feature: Misused and Abused Phrases
Feature: Transitive Verbs
Fewer vs. Less
Flout vs. Flaunt
Follow vs. Fallow
Founder vs. Flounder
Friday Funnies: Analogies
Friday Funnies: Backslash
Friday Funnies: The Bibliophibians
Friday Funnies: Literally
Friday Funnies: The Mighty Apostrophe
Friday Funnies: The Semicolon
Friday Funnies: What do you get when you cross a bear, a yak and a pug? - (<-)
Goddamnit/Dammit: spelling
Got vs. Gotten
Grisly vs. Grizzly
- (<-)
Hanged vs. Hung
"He had had enough." Is it correct?
He said/Said he
Healthy vs. Healthful
"High point" and "low point" synonyms
Home vs. Hone
Hyphenation - (<-)
I vs. me
Ill vs. Sick
Indicating Titles in Text
Into vs. In to
Is/was at
Grammar 101: Interjections, Adjectives and Adverbs
It's/Its, You're/Your
Italic use in text - j (<-)
- (<-)
Keep this between the three of us?
Kodocha - (<-)
What is the correct usage of the different "lack of" and "abundance" synonyms?
Lathe vs. Lave
Less vs. Fewer
Lie vs. Lay
Lightening vs Lightning
Loose vs. Lose
"Low point" and "high point" synonyms
Lead vs. Led - (<-)
Martial Law vs. Marshal Law
Me vs. I
Mixed metaphors
Moments like these vs. Times like this
Most unique incorrect?
Ms. vs. Ms
Must vs. May
Measures of Time: Writing - n (<-)
Narration and Dialogue: First-Person
Nauseated vs. Nauseous
Nearer vs. Closer
Neither vs. Either
Grammar 101: Nouns, pronouns, and conjunctions.
Number: when is it appropriate to spell it out?" - (<-)
One another vs. Each other
Onto vs. On to
"Out" After a Vocalization - (<-)
Feature: Palindromes: What They Are And Why They’re Cool
Paragraphs and Dialogs
Passive Voice
Past vs. Passed
Past Perfect
Past tense of "slay"
Per se: spelling
Peak, peek, and pique
Phase vs. Faze
Possessive cases: "X's and Y's" vs. "X and Y's"
Possessive with gerunds
Possessive and Sibilants
Grammar 101: Prepositions & Phrases
Why is it incorrect to end a sentence with a preposition?
Presentation and readability for LJ and beyond
prostrate/supine/prone, prostrate/prostate
Grammar 101: Pronouns, nouns, and conjunctions.
Punctuate High Emotion?
Punctuation: How do you punctuate "You, too, can be..."?
Italicized punctuation
Punctuation: Part 1, Part 3
Grammar 101: Punctuation for Pauses, Omissions, and Parentheticals
Punctuation: Periods in abbreviations?
Punctuation for speech that "trails off"
Punctuation for stammering speech
Punctuation: Semicolons vs Colons
Punctuation with Parenthenses - (<-)
Question mark
Quick vs. Fast - (<-)
"Real" Words: What Is a Real Word, Anyway?
Reign vs. Rein
Rise vs. Raise
Right, Rite, Wright and Write - (<-)
Said he/He said
Semicolons vs. Colons
Sick vs. Ill
Since vs. As
Single quotation mark
Slay: Past tense of
Someone/-body, Anyone/-body
Split Infinitives
Splitting Sentences with Speech Tags
Stanch vs. Staunch
supine/prostrate/prone, prostrate/prostate
Subject-Verb Agreement with Partitive Nouns
Grammar 101: Subject-Verb Agreement - (<-)
Tack vs. Tact
(to) Take Offense to
Tamped vs. Damped
Tenses and Point of View in Fiction: Is Present Tense More Desperate?
Than vs. Then
That vs. Which
That vs. Who
There/Their/There're and Too/Two/To
They Fight! A Guide to Writing Fight Scenes
Throne vs. Thrown
Times like this vs. Moments like these
Tips for Beta: 1, 2
Toward vs. Towards
Transliteration 101
Try to vs. Try and - (<-)
Unbeknown vs. Unbeknownst
Uninterested vs. Disinterested - (<-)
Grammar 101: Verbs
Verbs after indefinite pronouns and neither/nor
Verbs with regular and irregular past tense forms
Vicious vs. Viscous - (<-)
Was/is at
Which vs. That
Who vs. That
Who vs. Whom
Who's vs. Whose
Wonder vs. Wander
"Would" In Conditionals and the Habitual Tense
Woulda, coulda, shoulda and "Should of"
Wright, Write Right, and Rite
Writing Dialects
Writing Measures of Time
Writing Tips: Americans or Brits
Writing Tips: British for Americans
Writing Tips: Epithets - x (<-)
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Y'all. How is it spelled and why?
You're/Your, It's/Its - z (<-)
- 5 Centimeters per seconds (Crunchyroll)