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badtzphoto March 11 2012, 21:25:05 UTC
Seed of Love 3

Written and illustrated by http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b319/stnmb/manga_fr/manga_fr1/96c769cd.jpg

From Soleil website
Miku finit par évoquer une possible séparation avec Kataoka. Lorsqu’il lui en demande la raison, elle n’arrive même pas à lui répondre car elle ne comprend pas elle-même ce qu’elle ressent. Kataoka s’en va alors, mais Miku ne rentre pas chez elle. Rapidement, toute sa famille commence à s’inquiéter de ne pas la voir revenir. C’est finalement Sôhei qui la retrouve et la ramène. Quelques jours plus tard, Miku réalise qu’elle est jalouse de Miyu...

Some points:
- Loosly translated: Miku finally breaks up with Kataoka. When he asks the reason, she cannot even answer him because she does not understand herself what she feels. Kataoka then goes away, but Miku does not come home. Quickly, his family became worried. It's finally Sohei who finds her and brings her home. A few days later, Miku realizes she is jealous of Miyu ...
- I'm not sure if I was influenced by the comments from MU or note, but Miku starts to bug me! I'm fine with her break up with her boyfriend since she isn't really interested in him. But the way she shows her jealousy just crates my nerves, and so is Sohei.
- Anyway, I'm dropping this series after this volume, unless it's licensed in English, then I may borrow it from the library to find out more. I don't think I'd reread.

Bottom line, dropped.


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