lucky me

Feb 03, 2006 19:14

I went to the mall today and bought two lip glosses from bath and body works. They were having a "Luscious Lips Sale" for valentine's day, and the lip glosses were only $5 each. I bought the Tutti Dolci Creme Brulee lip gloss that was originally $10

and a Goldie lipgloss in Brownie that was originally $14

I couldn't pass these deals up! :D Just in time for Valentine's Day! 0:-)

I went home today to see the car that my parents bought me as a early graduation gift- it's a 2005 BMV 325i.

I feel kinda guilty cuz it's my brother's bday on sunday, and I think he should be getting a car instead of me. but, my parents said they wanted to buy it for me, so I don't know. I like it, it runs soooo fast. My parents bought it as a used car, but it only had 10,000 miles on it, and looks pretty new inside and out. I'm not sure if I want to bring it to LA and stuff cuz I drive A LOT when I am at school, and I don't want to put miles on it, so maybe just for this week I'll drive it just to see how it runs...
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