
Sep 30, 2005 19:31

One of the things that I like about my job is that I can drink beer while I do much of it.

In other thoughts, why is it invariably the worst single release from an album that ends up getting airplay after the popularity of the album has passed?

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Women in the priesthood apeiron_gaia November 1 2005, 15:02:22 UTC
Okay, I am writing to you my questions because I can't get any real answer over in catholicism. The only answer I get is "men are all masculine and women are all feminine, therefore women are incapable of being priests", "all the apostles were men", and "you don't have faith so I am not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you." All of these answers seem like they are missing some major theological reasoning (or are just plain rude and missing the pedagogical mark), and I don't know anyone on there besides you who is as education and patient as you are. This isn't a compliment, but it is true.

This is a response that I posted to sum up my questions:

I'm not saying that it [Jesus picked men over women to spread the gospel for practicality reasons] true, simply that there are other possibilities other than 'Priests can only be men because all the apostles are men. Hence Jesus would not approve of female priests because it is a "masculine role'". (It also seems to be completely ignoring the fact that Jesus DID have ( ... )


Re: Women in the priesthood - p1 badsede November 1 2005, 23:58:45 UTC
Perspective is part of the problem. So, that is where we should start ( ... )


Re: Women in the priesthood - p2 badsede November 1 2005, 23:59:07 UTC
So, these being said, there are a handful of reasons that the Church has a male-only priesthood. The most compelling is simple, when Christ instituted the priesthood, he chose only men. When he established the essential nature of the Sacrament, the material that he chose was men. The fact that there were many prominant women among Jesus' followers and disciples only makes this point more forcefull. Jesus did not hesitate to trample on many of the gender norms of his time. So to believe that he would be bound to the gender norms and prejudices of his time requires one to turn a rather blind eye to his ministry. It also highlights that the Gospel, evangelization and the mission of the Church was not just given to the priesthood, because it was also given to those female disciplles. The call of the priesthood is a specific call and role beyond that. If we are to say, "well, the Bible could be wrong, it was written by a patriarchal society after all," we reject another premise of Catholicism, that scripture is divinely inspired ( ... )


Re: Women in the priesthood - p2 apeiron_gaia November 2 2005, 01:21:47 UTC
Thank you for that in depth response ( ... )


Re: Women in the priesthood - p2 badsede November 2 2005, 20:04:53 UTC
There is more to gender than biology .. it is a combination of biology, psychology, but most importantly spirituality. As created beings, we are engendered beings, created to be one gender or the other. But our bodies and therefore our psyches suffer disorder and disease, which cause a deviation from the ideal, from what we were, at the level of our souls, created to be. Exceptions from all ideals exist, but they are exceptions caused by our fallen world, not components of the ideal. We all have our crosses to bear, and for some of humanity, that cross is the burden of a gender identity confused from the ideal by any of a myriad of forces. Others have other crosses to bear.

I am still having a hard time grasping how a woman being a priest would denagrade her dignity since the argument seems a tad circular:The idea of it being denigrating to a woman's dignity is predicated on a male-only priesthood, not a justification for a male-only preisthood. The profound thing that it brings up is that equality is not derived from sameness ( ... )


Re: Women in the priesthood - p2 apeiron_gaia November 2 2005, 23:27:46 UTC
"The idea of it being denigrating to a woman's dignity is predicated on a male-only priesthood, not a justification for a male-only preisthood ( ... )


Re: Women in the priesthood - p2 apeiron_gaia November 2 2005, 23:27:55 UTC
"The idea of it being denigrating to a woman's dignity is predicated on a male-only priesthood, not a justification for a male-only preisthood ( ... )


Re: Women in the priesthood - p2 badsede November 3 2005, 03:56:27 UTC
Is there anything comparable to the gift of being able to consecrate of the eucharist that women can do within the church?

Give birth. And far more women are able to do that than men enter the priesthood.

How do you feel about female deacons?

If done in the right way and for the right reasons, I am in favor of reinstating the practice. But if if is used just as a ploy to advance the cause of the ordination of women, that is not the right reason.

But it just seems strange that the Church's attempts at noting diversity hinders a lot of people because they don't fit their ideas of HOW diverse people should be.

There's a difference between personal diversity and ideological pluralism. The Church rejects *ideas* that are contrary to the Catholic faith, but not the diversity of people.


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