Sep 30, 2005 19:31
One of the things that I like about my job is that I can drink beer while I do much of it.
In other thoughts, why is it invariably the worst single release from an album that ends up getting airplay after the popularity of the album has passed?
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Is there anything comparable to the gift of being able to consecrate of the eucharist that women can do within the church?
How do you feel about female deacons?
"Our culture hinges equality on sameness, but this issue is a profound example of how Cathocism rejects this notion and hinges equality on dignity, and dignity on embracing God-given diversity and distinctness"
I've never heard it explained this way, and it does indeed sound beautiful. But it just seems strange that the Church's attempts at noting diversity hinders a lot of people because they don't fit their ideas of HOW diverse people should be.
I know plenty of men with feminine spirits and women with masculine ones. And then there are some people who simply feel as though they are both. All of these people are marginalized from the Church as people who have "a cross to bear" by way of being marginalized instead of embraced. This is my big beef with their gender essentialism.
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