A photo of my birth mother. Ran across a photo of my birth mother. It made me sad as I remembered the difficult life she had. She was such a beautiful person.
Aidan and I were wrestling on the bed last night. He stood up and decided to do a super hero move by rolling backward...right off the edge of the bed. Landed square on the top of his noggin. He immediately started crying, I scooped him up and then he threw up. I held him back a bit to take a better look at him (and avoid more projections) and he looked sleepy and dazed. All I could think of was hematoma...rushed into the guest bathroom and threw the light switch. His pupils were not reacting to light very well. He threw up again. I scooped him up and yelled to Tina, who was just topping the stairs after hearing all the noise, that we were on our way to the emergency room. She grabbed her coat and shoes, Aidan's coat and my gym bag (had a change of clothes and proof of insurance etc). I was half naked as we rushed out the door. Didn't even put shoes on. We made it to Evergreen emergency within 15 min. The doctor took a look at him and decided that he probably did not have a concussion but that we did the right thing bringing him in with the vomit episode. Turns out most kids will vomit when they bonk their noggins, even if they do not have a concussion. Still it was prudent to bring him in. So, long and short...dad's a dork and almost killed his son.
Aidan said the sweetest thing to me on the way out of the hospital. He said, 'Don't be sorry Dad. I did it myself. I said sorry to myself.'
I have so much to learn.