Oct 11, 2009 17:40

There is something particularly nice about having twenty-nine or so activist marching bands (or so) converge on your neighborhood, playing up a storm. HONK is one of my favorite things about living in Somerville, and this year didn't disappoint. The only problem was that I couldn't get to see every band perform. Yay for the ones I did see, including Second Line Social Aid and Pleasure Society Brass Band, Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band, Rude Mechanical Orchestra, Banda Roncati, and many others.

Then today I got to march in the HONK parade, with ENSMB, contact juggling the whole way. I only dropped once! Good thing, because I was using an acrylic. Tiring, but the fact that people seemed to enjoy watching made it worth it.

Also, HONK! is fun to say.


...I may be in danger of being mistaken for a goose.

honk, concert, somerville

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