Jan 22, 2003 20:07
This Froster guy better be pretty interesting, cuz if they're half as bored out in space as I am down here...damn.
At least I have edible food. And some of it actually tastes good.
And these guys...the ones that were on the scout ship. They're really boring too. I mean, they just sit and whisper to each other for a while and then start blasting away at the cell. And nothing happens. But I have to give it to them, they -are- persistent.
Sometimes I go down there and stare at them. They were speaking a language I don't know, so they were probably saying something awfully nasty, but then they started using some sort of American slang they had picked up on a television somewhere and calling me "hottie" and "bitch" and just retarded stuff like that. One of them had to correct the other one on the "bitch" part though. He originally called me "hey, female dog" and the other guy was like "No, no! Like "bitch" not dog." I haven't laughed so hard since I made Vegeta wear that pink shirt that said BAD MAN on the back of it.
Serves him right for calling me a servant woman.
So after I wiped the tears from my eyes, I decided to mess with them a little. I called them jackasses (or the equivalent of such) in Vegeta's language. All but one of them knew what it meant, and they were like "What the hell, this woman speaks Saiyajin?"
I sat there and told them about how I was Queen of the Saiyajins til Vegeta's father came back from the dead. To which I got a "People don't come back from the dead!" Cuz you know, technically, they're not supposed to. We've just been spoiled in our lifetime with the ability to bring them back.
"Oh yeah, yeah they do. Even I was dead once. I got turned into chocolate and eaten by a pink guy with a penchant for sweets."
"Lying bitch! Where's your tail!"
"A true royal never shows the enemy her tail."
And supposedly I said something scary, one of them said I must be Saiyajin cuz who from Earth would know that old saying? I guess I just picked the right choice of words. Anyway, the Saiyajins always did have a weakness in their tails.
I hope you guys are well out there. Come back safe to us. Mikomi misses her father and Vicki misses hers too. And I miss my "mate" and my babies (yes, Tanomi, even you are my baby). ^_~