Fic Of The Week - Week Seventy Six

Jun 10, 2013 14:46

It's another manic Monday - too much to do, too little time. Got my annual eye test tomorrow - assuming I feel up to going - so I'm trying to get myself sorted for that, and for shopping afterwards so I'm a bit late with this week's fic.

First off, for everyone who read and enjoyed Red Leather last week, I found these two sequels by the lovely thraceadams on dreamwidth:

Red Leather Part Deux: A Story Told In Drabbles


Red Leather Part Deux - The Second Time Around

Now, onto this week's choice.

Decisions, decisions, which fic do I choose... I have a list of five for the next few weeks so I'll pick the middle one =)

A Different Kind Of Kiss is a 6 part fic by twilighthdfan from February 2010, set around Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Summary - What would've happened if Ianto had heard Jack talking to Gwen. If instead of Gwen going with Hart, Ianto did? And what if Hart decided there was something he wanted more then the Arcadian Diamond?

Sounds like an intriguing idea and I always enjoy a bit of John Hart!

Part 1 Part 2   Part 3   Part 4 Part 5   Part 6 - Epilogue

It's also available here on for anyone who prefers to read there

That's all for this week, folks! Happy reading!

fic rec, fic of the week, reading

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