Oct 13, 2016 11:12

Is anyone else unable to access ff.net? When I try, I just get a message saying their security certificate has been revoked and denying me access - I post there daily, I have friends there who review my stories daily, I have fics I read there, and so may people have followed and favourited my stories, so now I'm freaking out that it's been taken ( Read more... )

wibble, help needed, argh!

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spikesgirl58 October 13 2016, 11:17:32 UTC
Nope, it won't come up for me, either, although I did access it yesterday.


badly_knitted October 13 2016, 11:28:12 UTC
I was on there yesterday too, I am every day because I post there, nearly 100 people there are following my Torchwood drabble collection, and now not only am I unable to reply to reviews, I can't post anything either. I hate being denied access to one of my sites =(


spikesgirl58 October 13 2016, 11:55:03 UTC
Hopefully it will be back up soon. Just keep thinking good thoughts.


badly_knitted October 13 2016, 12:02:50 UTC
I've sent a message to their email helpline, they need to get their security errors sorted and get re-certified fast. Some people can still access the site, presumably those with lower internet security, and I can access it through firefox where I'm not logged in, but I keep myself logged in on the browsers I use the most because it's such a hassle logging in and out every day. I seldom use firefox so that's why I can still get to the site there, but I can't even access it elsewhere in order to log out =/

The internet is my link to the outside world, so when anything interferes with even a bit of that, it stresses me out =(


spikesgirl58 October 13 2016, 14:43:11 UTC
It might just be the server that handles your end. It popped right up for me just now and I was logged in. My advice is to keep trying.


badly_knitted October 13 2016, 15:16:18 UTC
I'm still getting told their security certificate has been revoked. Even restarting my computer made no difference. It's so weird =(


spikesgirl58 October 13 2016, 15:48:54 UTC
Perhaps it has for Great Britain? No idea what's going on.


excentric397 October 13 2016, 16:01:15 UTC
I just got in with no probem at all. Have you tried logging out and logging back in again? I've had to do that with sites before, although if you can't reach the site at all, that's useless. Are you following a link? Try just typing in fanfiction.net into your address bar. That's worked for me before when a link was somehow not working right. Good luck.


badly_knitted October 13 2016, 17:58:20 UTC
I can't access the site, so I can't log out to log in again. I've tried various ways, but I get the same response - their security certificate has been revoked, and my security won't allow me access. It's so frustrating! I've been trying on and off all day, and I haven't been able to post today's fics. =(

I might have to wait until I'm automatically logged out so I can try logging in again, but that could be anywhere up to two weeks. *sigh*


excentric397 October 13 2016, 20:14:12 UTC
Aside from just typing their address in, I have also tried rebooting my computer because sometimes the glitch is somewhere in there. I know that seems impossible, but computers are weird, weird, weird. Do you have a backup computer, or a smartphone you can try logging in from, or a neighbor with a computer. If the rest (or most of us) an get in, I would say it has to be something from your end that's causing the problem. Maybe your computer is reading the certificate wrong. Sometimes, I really, really want to put my laptop in a bathtub full of water, get it out, dry it off nicely, stomp on it several times, whack it with a sledgehammer, and then throw it out the window. I am on the second floor and it's all street and sidewalk down below, so good hard surfaces. I have not done any of this yet, but I have been sooooo close.


badly_knitted October 13 2016, 21:15:41 UTC
I've tried rebooting, but no go, and several other people elsewhere are having problems... I just hope it'll sort itself out, because otherwise I'm stuck, at least until the site logs me out, then maybe I can see if I can connect and log in again. I have to log in on each browser though =/


excentric397 October 13 2016, 21:20:22 UTC
I feel for you. I don't think anything in my life has caused more frustration that the whole computer/on-line experience. Hope it sorts itself soon.


badly_knitted October 14 2016, 23:21:00 UTC
Thankfully it has, but being without one of my sites for a day was far more maddening than it should be. I think I'm addicted to the internetz!


excentric397 October 15 2016, 01:33:31 UTC
You and me both. Tumblr. I am totally addicted to Tumblr. But it's fun.


badly_knitted October 15 2016, 10:35:03 UTC
I haven't gone onto tumblr because I already have more than enough to juggle, lol!


excentric397 October 15 2016, 18:03:20 UTC
It does use up a lot of time. :)


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