Oct 13, 2016 11:12

Is anyone else unable to access ff.net? When I try, I just get a message saying their security certificate has been revoked and denying me access - I post there daily, I have friends there who review my stories daily, I have fics I read there, and so may people have followed and favourited my stories, so now I'm freaking out that it's been taken ( Read more... )

wibble, help needed, argh!

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Comments 51

too_beauty October 13 2016, 10:19:19 UTC
I have just signed in as usual.
Try later. I have also accessed your stories.


badly_knitted October 13 2016, 10:35:27 UTC
I stay logged in all the time, I just can't access the site at all, I can't even reply to comments. No idea what's going on



spikesgirl58 October 13 2016, 11:17:32 UTC
Nope, it won't come up for me, either, although I did access it yesterday.


badly_knitted October 13 2016, 11:28:12 UTC
I was on there yesterday too, I am every day because I post there, nearly 100 people there are following my Torchwood drabble collection, and now not only am I unable to reply to reviews, I can't post anything either. I hate being denied access to one of my sites =(


spikesgirl58 October 13 2016, 11:55:03 UTC
Hopefully it will be back up soon. Just keep thinking good thoughts.


badly_knitted October 13 2016, 12:02:50 UTC
I've sent a message to their email helpline, they need to get their security errors sorted and get re-certified fast. Some people can still access the site, presumably those with lower internet security, and I can access it through firefox where I'm not logged in, but I keep myself logged in on the browsers I use the most because it's such a hassle logging in and out every day. I seldom use firefox so that's why I can still get to the site there, but I can't even access it elsewhere in order to log out =/

The internet is my link to the outside world, so when anything interferes with even a bit of that, it stresses me out =(


I love Janto anonymous October 13 2016, 21:42:17 UTC
I was freaking out when I could get you.
There are those of us that worry about you, when you don't come up.

There are only two people that updates today.
So it might not just be you.

I hope it comes up soon.
I am glad, not for the first time, I can get to you this way.


Re: I love Janto badly_knitted October 13 2016, 21:58:58 UTC
So was I because I couldn't tell you what was going on. It's so frustrating not being able to access the site or post my fics, but it's worse not being able to let anyone know why =(

I really hope whatever's going on gets sorted soon.


Re: I love Janto anonymous October 13 2016, 22:28:09 UTC
I hope that it gets fixed soon.
Not like the last few times, when it takes days,

I am a worrier, Now I know that you a fine I am better.
Pissed but fine.


Re: I love Janto badly_knitted October 13 2016, 22:38:39 UTC
*hugs* I hate worrying you, but it's good to know that someone notices if I'm missing =)

I'm going to have a heck of a backlog to post at ff.net if they don't get everything sorted quickly!


m_findlow October 14 2016, 05:38:23 UTC

I've had problems getting in over the past couple of days too, but it was all LJ sites, not just mine. I just figured they were play funny buggers and would get themselves sorted eventually. Annoying but not much we can do I suppose.


badly_knitted October 14 2016, 19:33:30 UTC
Thankfully, whatever was wrong on ff.net is fixed now, so I can access the site. I HATE when I can't get into one of the sites I use. One time, my computer locked me out of all my sites - LJ, dreamwidth, ff.net, teaspoon, AO3 - because they're social networking sites, and the parental control thing my broadband supplier offers us had decided to block them all even though I didn't have it turned on! Took a very long phone call to get that fixed!


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