Jul 19, 2016 12:56

Hello, my wonderful F-list, I come before you seeking assistance, if any of you lovely people can spare the time.

Both my dear friend m_findlow and myself need betas for our latest torchwood_fest fics, which have to be posted to the community by the end of the month, so there's not a lot of time left. m_findlow's fic is around the 10,000 word mark and ready for beta. I'm still ( Read more... )

hugs f-list, help needed, real life

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milady_dragon July 19 2016, 22:20:50 UTC
I'll be more than happy to help if you still need it. :)


badly_knitted July 19 2016, 23:24:05 UTC
*hugs* Would you be willing and able to take m_findlow's biggie? If so, could you PM her? I'm still working on mine, just passed the 3500 mark and it's still not finished. My fics keep doing that to me at the moment; just when I think I'm done, the boys decide they're not... Hoping I can persude them to let me just tie off a few loose ends without going into too much detail, but they're looking a bit mutinous.

Thanks in advance *hugs* (Gone midnight and my brain has seized up).


milady_dragon July 19 2016, 23:49:49 UTC
Sure, I'll do that now. If you need help with yours too, let me know. Depends on how like takes with the larger fic, since my muses are kicking me to write as well (about time, if you ask me).


badly_knitted July 20 2016, 21:40:15 UTC
Thank you, you're awesome!

I might have someone to help with mind, just have to touch base with twinsarein and make sure. And finish the fic, of course, lol! Thanks for coming to the rescue, I would have offered to beta but I'm in the same position with the writing.

Glad to hear your muses are resurfacing! Good luck with the writing =)


milady_dragon July 21 2016, 01:46:15 UTC
It's really no problem. :)

If something happens and you need someone, you have my email address.

And the muses...well, let's just say they've been very cooperative. I've managed to get the next two Dragon-Verse series two stories done and I'm working on a third. I've also started on a Marvel Universe AU that's based on the old TV series, Space:1999. Not sure if you're familiar with that one...


badly_knitted July 21 2016, 11:13:54 UTC
I have some vague memories of Space 1999, I did watch some repeats many years ago...

Yay for more Dragon-Verse!

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind - fic is still not finished, I have to work on it today, as well as one for another challenge o_O


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