Jul 19, 2016 12:56

Hello, my wonderful F-list, I come before you seeking assistance, if any of you lovely people can spare the time.

Both my dear friend m_findlow and myself need betas for our latest torchwood_fest fics, which have to be posted to the community by the end of the month, so there's not a lot of time left. m_findlow's fic is around the 10,000 word mark and ready for beta. I'm still working on my fic but should have it finished in two or three days. It'll be shorter, probably no more than 3,500 words at most, but it does include something creepy crawly, so beware!

If anyone can help us out, then please either leave a comment here or PM us directly. I'm willing to offer Torchwood (or possibly other fandom) drabbles or ficlets as rewards to anyone who can help us out at such short notice. *puppy dog eyes* Pretty please?

hugs f-list, help needed, real life

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