Doctor Who Drabble: Changed

Dec 05, 2015 18:32

Title: Changed

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Amy, Rory

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 012 - Out Of Character at dw100

Spoilers: The Girl Who Waited.

Summary: Amy’s ordeal has changed her.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

Changed... )

dw100, doctor who, drabble, rory williams, amy pond, fic: g

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badly_knitted December 6 2015, 22:04:10 UTC
Amy was a fairly conventional run-around companion, there as a foil for the Doctor, who after all is the main character. Rory was kind of the companion's companion, there to shine a light on Amy, perhaps make us see the other side of her, not the adventurer but the woman. I found that an interesting dynamic. It never worked so well when Mickey was travelling with Rose and the Doctor simply because Rose didn't have much depth and Mickey was treated as a joke. There's the difference, I think, between RTD and Stephen Moffatt. Moff tries to... I don't know how to explain. I guess he's not obsessed with one character over all the others, he tries to be more even-handed and show more depth in the relationships between characters. But things are always going to get complicated because of the Doctor, he throws a spanner into everything just by dragging people out of their normal lives. His companions develop crushes, or feelings of hero worship at first because this being is showing them there is so much more out there than they ever imagined. But Amy had someone in her life who helped her get her feet back on the ground, and Clara was in some ways more grounded to start with. I'm looking forward to seeing who the next companion will be.


cynthia2015 December 6 2015, 22:39:14 UTC
Amy loved Rory but was still intrigued by Eleven. Whereas Rose didn't loved Mickey. She was too busy being infatuated by Ten. She just liked having Mickey around when it was convenient for her.

Ten was the one who invited Mickey along. Sort of a buffer to keep Rose at arms length. The Doctor didn't respect Mickey in the beginning. At least we got to see him evolve towards the end. He deserved better than Rose.

Clara's story started with showing us how losing her mother at a young age made her more nurturing towards others, specifically children.

I wish we knew why Amy was more excited to see her father than her mother after her life was fixed at the end of series 5. Maybe it was because her mother was more critical. Which reminds me of the RTD era with the "nagging mother" thing.

I hope we get to see a champion who has a proper relationship with their mother.


badly_knitted December 10 2015, 22:03:11 UTC
Sorry for the slow reply, I've been battling writing deadlines, betaing deadlines, and feeling under the weather so a few things like answering comments had to be left for a while. Trying to catch up now.

I think RTD brought too much of his own baggage to his writing. Maybe he didn't have a good relationship with his mother. While there's certainly room in writing to reflect your personal life, I think he goes way too far and some themes he just keeps re-using all the time to the point of tedium and beyond. It would be so good to see a companion who is close to their parents, or is even a parent themself. With a grown-up child of course.

You're so right about Rose, and the same is true of Gwen's treatment of Rhys, she wants him when it's convenient to her. Given a fair chance, Mickey grew into a strong and capable man, but Rose couldn't see how special he was.

The whole thing with Amy's parents was frustratingly glossed over, there was so much there that could have been told but now we'll never know.


cynthia2015 December 10 2015, 22:35:38 UTC
Whatever RTD issues with his parents, it would have been preferable if he had differienate the mothers. Everything else in the champions background was very similar.

When Rose, Martha or Donna were in a situation where they were bothered by their mum, they responsed like this:

"Don't start" or "Not now mum".

The only obstacle for a champion to be a parent is they maybe more reluctant to travel with the Doctor because it can be dangerous.

The closet we got was Amy & Rory and their grown up child River who they never got to raise. I don't think looking out for Mel counts. What happened to them was glossed over.

Maybe a widow or someone who is totally different from what we have seen.

RTD made it seemed like Mickey needed Rose to validate him.

Rose to Mickey: You are the bravest man I know.

Too late for that!

We could have seen Amys parents in the Christmas special. There was no mentioned of Rorys mum.

We never saw Clara have a proper conversation with her father except for her grandmother. Moffat is not big on domestic.


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