Doctor Who Drabble: Changed

Dec 05, 2015 18:32

Title: Changed

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Amy, Rory

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 012 - Out Of Character at dw100

Spoilers: The Girl Who Waited.

Summary: Amy’s ordeal has changed her.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

Amy’s changed. It’s not just that she’s older, although she is. She’s been trapped here more than thirty-six years, and it tears Rory up to think about her being alone for so long.

That’s what’s making her act so unlike the woman he loves. Not the time that’s passed, but the being alone. They didn’t mean to abandon her but it hardly matters. Intent is irrelevant when you have to fight for survival every day, knowing that no one’s coming to save you.

It’s turned her hard, angry, bitter, full of hate. The worst thing is, Rory can’t blame her.

The End

dw100, doctor who, drabble, rory williams, amy pond, fic: g

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