Drabble: Like A Statue

Sep 13, 2014 15:27

Title: Like A Statue

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Jack, Ianto

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 319 - Stationery/Stationary at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Jack stands silently on a rooftop after a tough day.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Jack stands so still on the rooftop he could be mistaken for a statue if not for the wind stirring his coat. Not that anyone would spot him up there, a slightly darker shadow against the night sky. Ianto can only see him because he knows Jack’s there. He was there too just a short while ago.

He’d been trying to persuade Jack to come down, but the immortal had remained motionless and silent, staring at nothing. Failing to save someone always hit him hard.

Ianto wishes he could do something, anything, other than leave Jack to his lonely vigil.

The End

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, ianto jones, torchwood fic, mild angst, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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