Positive Meme Thingie: Day Three

Sep 12, 2014 20:10

Today has been a bit chaotic, I kept forgetting I hadn't done things I was supposed to do. *shrugs* My brain keeps wandering off.

Three positive things for today:

1. I have 10 followers on my new fic over on ff.net already! And 145 hits! I've had some great comments, it's very encouraging =D

2. Some crystals I bought have arrived. They're from the personal collection of a renowned crystal healer, I couldn't resist. All three are wonderful!

3. I've made some good writing progress. I wrote a short Doctor Who comment fic for a prompt over on
fic_promptly, a dreamwidth community that is great fun. Also done some work on chapter 2 of Through Time And Space. I want to do a bit more on that tonight, once I've done some betaing.

Quite a productive day!

meme, real life

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