Title: Gone Fishing
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Buffy, Coach, Xander.
Rating: PG
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Fisher’.
Spoilers/Setting: Go Fish.
Summary: The swim team likes to play rough.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
When she’d set out to deal with the fish monsters that were snacking on the swim team, Buffy hadn’t expected to wind up being bait. Then again, she hadn’t expected the fish monsters to actually BE the swim team, which made this a day just full to the brim with delightful surprises. Now here she was, down in the sewers, not just as bait but to provide entertainment for Coach Marin’s boys.
Well, she was willing enough to be entertaining, just not in the way the Coach meant. She wouldn’t be putting out, not even if they were still human; they’d never been her type. She was up for some roughhousing though, if they wanted to take her on. Which, of course they did.
Being outnumbered three to one wasn’t so great, nor was battling creatures she couldn’t see most of the time. They had the advantage of being able to breathe underwater, but she was holding her own, just about, waiting and hoping for rescue.
Thankfully, next thing she knew, Xander was there, reaching down through the hole, offering his hand to pull her up. As she was dragged to safety, Buffy decided she’d had her fill of fishing.
The End