Title: Dew Tripping
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: Season Three.
Summary: Daniel is weird, but sometimes his ideas are worth listening to.
Written For: Challenge 429: Amnesty 71 at
fan_flashworks, using Challenge 378: Words from Other Languages: dauwtrappen.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate SG-1, or the characters.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.
“What’re you doing now?” Daniel baffles Jack. Most of what he does and says is incomprehensible, but there are times when Jack finds an odd kind of fascination in trying to figure the archaeologist out. Daniel is smart, brainy, educated in stuff that goes right over Jack’s head, but despite their differences they’ve become friends, and if nothing else, there’s entertainment value in watching him.
Now, here they are on a planet a gazillion light years from earth, and after a night camping at the edge of a convenient stand of trees, there’s Daniel, barefoot, wandering about in a world of his own. He glances back at where Jack is leaning against a tree and blinks through his glasses in the early morning sunlight.
Typical; he hadn’t even been listening. Never mind that they’re not on earth and there’s no knowing what dangers could be lurking.
“I asked what you’re doing.”
“Oh. Dauwtrappen.”
“What now?”
Smiling, Daniel strolls towards him, feet damp with dew. “Dauwtrappen. It’s a Dutch word, means walking barefoot through the morning grass.”
“And you couldn’t have just said that?”
“You should try it.” Daniel gestures down at Jack’s feet. “It’s refreshing.”
“And what if you step on something, a poisonous insect, a snake, even a sharp rock? I’m not carrying you back to the Stargate.”
“The MALP didn’t detect anything dangerous, and I’m watching where I tread. Seriously, Jack, don’t your feet hurt? We just spent the night in our boots, and we’ve got a long way to walk before we reach the ruins the UAV spotted.”
Grumbling, Jack sits down on a rock, tugging his boots off. “I must be insane! If I get some weird alien foot fungus, I’m blaming you.” Shoving his socks into his boots, Jack takes a few tentative steps out into the meadow, feeling the cool dew and the springiness of the grass beneath his feet starting to ease an ache he hadn’t even been aware of. “Hey, this feels pretty good.”
“Told you.”
Ambling aimlessly back and forth, digging bare toes into the grass, Jack smiles slightly. He’s still alert for danger, but he feels simultaneously more awake and more relaxed than he had a few minutes earlier.
“Sir?” Carter calls from the trees. “What are you doing?”
“Dew tripping. Daniel’s idea; don’t ask me. Feels good though. You should try it.”
Sometimes listening to Daniel was worthwhile.
The End