Title: Lovesick
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: JJ, Dee.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 426: See If I Care at
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: JJ is still trying to win Dee’s heart, to no avail.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
“I’ve decided I need to be more proactive,” JJ said, standing as tall and straight as he could. The top of his head was still only just above Dee’s shoulder, JJ had barely made the minimum height requirement for a police officer, but he was determined not to be overlooked.
“Why’re ya tellin’ me?” Dee didn’t so much as glance at JJ as he shrugged out of his overcoat and made his way across the squad room to his desk. JJ trailed after him, a determined expression on his face.
“I’ve made a reservation for seven-thirty tonight at my favourite restaurant, table for two, and I’m going to stand right here until you agree to have dinner with me.”
Dee snorted. “Knock yourself out. Even if I didn’t already have plans for tonight, the answer would still be no.”
“I’m serious, Dee. I’m not moving from this spot until you say you’ll have dinner with me. You have to say yes.”
“Not gonna happen, JJ. You can stand right there for the rest of your life, and it won’t change anything. I’ve told ya often enough I’m not interested, never have been, and never will be. All you’re doin’ is wastin’ your time and mine. Go find someone else to obsess over and leave me the hell alone.”
“But I love you, I need you! I’ll pine away to nothing without you!”
“Yeah? That’s too bad. For you.”
“My broken heart will be on your conscience!”
“Not likely. You really think I’m gonna feel guilty over somethin’ you’re doin’ to yourself? Dream on.”
“I’ll ask someone else out!”
“Go ahead, see if I care. I don’t, in case you’re wonderin’.”
“You can’t mean that!”
“Wrong. I can, and I do. Don’t you have work to do?”
JJ sighed. “Love hurts.”
The End