Title: Shared Bond
badly_knittedCharacters: Martha Jones, Jack Harkness.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 834: Club at
Spoilers: After Last of the Time Lords.
Summary: Martha and Jack are members of a very exclusive club.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.
The End of the World Survivors Club had a mere handful of members. Martha, her sister Tish, their parents, the Doctor, and of course, Jack. They were the ones who’d seen everything that happened and, more importantly, remembered.
There were a handful of others, the crew of the Valiant, and members of the Master’s staff, but they didn’t really count since they’d been on the opposing side.
Now, Jack had contacted Martha, asking for her help, and of course she’d said yes. They shared an unbreakable bond. Whatever Jack needed, she’d be there for him, as he would for her.
The End