BtVS Double Drabble: Cramming

Jun 19, 2024 18:56

Title: Cramming
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy, Giles.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Spoilers/Setting: Band Candy.
Summary: Revision is boring, and Buffy’s having trouble concentrating.
Written For: Challenge 429: Amnesty 71 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 77: Revision.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

Other kids did their revising for tests in the comfort of their own homes, Buffy mused as Giles posed another multiple-choice question. Not by Torchlight in a cemetery while waiting for vampires to show up.

Patrolling could be dull, whether hanging out in one of the many cemeteries or wandering around town in search of demons and the undead, but somehow this was worse. It had seemed like such a great idea, making the best possible use of her time since she was always trying to juggle too many responsibilities, but revision was boring at the best of times, and while she appreciated Giles’ willingness to help her cram for the SATs, he wasn’t making it any more interesting. Probably nothing would stick in her head anyway.

She looked down at her answer sheet, filling in an A for the answer, just because she had to put something down. She felt a little guilty; her mind had been wandering and she’d missed the question, but making an uneducated guess was better than having to ask Giles to repeat himself. He’d only get annoyed.

Forcing herself to pay attention, she focused on Giles. What she wouldn’t give for something to slay!

The End

fic, buffy summers, btvs, buffy fic, drabble, fan_flashworks, giles, fic: pg

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