BtVS Triple Drabble: Wedding Bells

May 08, 2024 18:44

Title: Wedding Bells
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy, Angel.
Rating: PG
Setting: Sometime in the future.
Summary: Buffy has dreamed of marrying Angel before.
Written For: Weekend Challenge Prompt: The 100 Most Popular Country Songs at 1_million_words, using “Church Bells (Carrie Underwood)”.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

As the church bells ring out, celebrating the joyous occasion, Buffy glides through the doors and down the steps into bright sunshine, a vision of loveliness in a stunning white wedding gown, the veil thrown back to reveal her face, alight with happiness.

Beside her, his fingers entwined with her own much smaller ones, walks Angel, in an immaculate black suit and white shirt, white tie perfectly knotted, his shoes so ridiculously shiny Buffy is sure if she looked closely, she’d see her reflection in them. Not that she intends to try; the photographer is waiting to take pictures of the happy couple and their guests, and then there’s the reception to get to, with food, and champagne, and the towering wedding cake Willow insisted they had to have. Giles almost had a heart attack when he saw how much it would cost…

Buffy jolts awake in the darkness, her heart pounding, remembering the last time she had a dream about marrying Angel, remembered him bursting into flame as the sunlight touched him, burning to ashes before her eyes, his wedding band dropping to the ground with a muted tinkle.

Then she hears the slow, peaceful breathing beside her in the bed, and sinks back against the pillows with a contented sigh, glad she didn’t wake him. It’s been a crazily busy day for both of them, and even she, with her speedy Slayer recovery, had felt worn out when they’d finally tumbled into bed, all celebrated out.

She smiles, fingering the smooth unfamiliarity of her wedding ring, a simple band of gold that means so much, then turns towards her husband, sound asleep beside her, rumpled and adorable, far less angelic than his name would suggest.

Leaning over, she kisses him tenderly; this time, it hadn’t been a dream.

The End

fic, buffy summers, 1_million_words, btvs, buffy fic, willow rosenberg, drabble, giles, fic: pg, angel

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