FAKE Ficlet: Cold And Wet

Mar 28, 2024 17:44

Title: Cold And Wet
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, JJ, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee arrives at the precinct soaked to the skin.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Challenge 332: Wet at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters.

Oblivious to anything but the arrival of the man he adored, JJ threw himself at Dee in one of his over-enthusiastic greetings, wrapping himself around the object of his desires to cling like a blue-haired limpet, only to pull away with a look of horror on his face.

“You’re all wet!”

“You don’t say.” Sarcasm dripped from Dee’s voice much the way water was dripping from his clothing, forming a spreading puddle around his feet. “I never would’a noticed if ya hadn’t pointed it out. It’s rainin’, in case ya somehow managed to miss that little detail.”

“But… But…” JJ looked down at his stylish designer clothes, now soaked all down the front, and tried ineffectually to wipe himself off, before realising he was only making it worse. “My cute outfit! I have to go change.” Turning on his heel, he scurried away to the locker room, leaving the man of his dreams still dripping.

Turning to his partner, Dee managed a wry smile. “Y’know, it’s almost worth gettin’ drenched just to see the expression on JJ’s face.” Like JJ had a few minutes earlier, he looked down at his sodden clothes. “But only almost. Feels disgustin’.”

For a long moment, Ryo didn’t say a word, just stared at Dee in disbelief. Finally he found his voice. “How on earth did you manage to get so wet? Did you forget your umbrella?” Dee was usually better organised than that, ready for whatever the weather might throw at him, knowing how unpredictable conditions could be in spring.

“Oddly enough, no, which is why my hair’s still mostly dry. I was doin’ fine, a bit damp around the ankles but nothin’ major. Then I stopped at a crosswalk, waitin’ for the lights to change, and some damned delivery truck goes barrelin’ past way too fast, straight through the biggest rainwater puddle in the whole frickin’ city and…” Dee shook his head. “It was like bein’ hit with a tidal wave. I would’a stepped back, but there were too many people standin’ behind me, waitin’ to cross. They were lucky, pretty sure I got the worst of it.”

“Poor Dee.” Ryo looked torn between sympathy and laughter. “Hadn’t you better go and change into something dry?” All cops knew to keep a couple of changes of clothes in their lockers, just in case; police work could be messy.

“Yeah, I will in a minute, just don’t wanna be alone in the locker room with JJ, both of us gettin’ changed. Kinda think I’m gonna need to shower first anyway. I had to walk eight blocks like this.”

Ryo wrinkled his nose. “Ugh.” He could just imagine how Dee must have felt as the icy rainwater soaked through to his skin, chilling him. “You must be freezing!” There was a bitter wind blowing.

“Yeah. Just hope there’s some hot water left.” Dee sighed. “Hope we don’t haveta go out until the rain stops. For once, I think I’d rather stay in and do paperwork.”

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, jj adams, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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