Doctor Who Drabble: Revolting

Feb 17, 2024 17:03

Title: Revolting
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Clara Oswald, Eleventh Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 798: Revolution at dw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: The Doctor and Clara arrive at a bad time.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

Opening the TARDIS door at their destination, the Doctor quickly closed it again.

“Oops, coming here right now might have been a slight miscalculation.”

Clara frowned. “Why?”

“The natives are revolting.”

“Worse than those Greebles or whatever they were? The ones we lived with for a week?”

“Gleebils, and no, I mean we’ve dropped into the middle of a revolution. My fault; they’re such friendly people I’d forgotten all about it.”

“How can you forget about a revolution? Aren’t they sort of memorable?”

“Ah, well, this one only lasted thirty-six hours, then everybody got bored and had a party instead.”

The End

clara oswald, fic, dw100, the doctor, doctor who, drabble, fic: g

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