Title: New Arrivals
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Ianto, Weevils.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 779: Crafty at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Weevils do not always behave as expected.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Weevils were by no means dumb animals; they were sentient beings, although by Galactic standards, their level of intelligence was far lower even than humans, which was saying something. Humans were generally considered rather primitive by the more advanced civilisations that made up the Federation. It wasn’t flattering, but it was fair; earth, after all, was a relatively young planet, and in evolutionary terms, the human race had yet to reach adolescence.
In comparison, Weevils were about on a par with stone age man, evolved enough to wear clothes and use simple tools, but aside from having developed a low-level communal telepathic field, their intellectual abilities were limited. They were, however, crafty, and thanks to their telepathy, when one figured something out, all Weevils within range had the information fed directly into their brains, like a system update.
Ianto hadn’t considered that when he’d first started teaching Janet sign language, so when he and Jack ran into a group of three Weevils one night, they got quite a surprise.
These three were relative newcomers and instead of running away, they stopped.
‘We not tagged,’ one signed, holding out its arm. ‘Do now.’
“Huh,” Jack said, surprised. “I wasn’t expecting that!”
The End