Title: Future Hopes
badly_knittedCharacters: Gwen, Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Owen.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 766: Hope at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack lets the team ask a few questions about the future.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
“You’ve seen the future,” Gwen said to Jack. “You said you were born in the fifty-first century, so what’s it like?”
The team were having lunch in the boardroom, an assortment of takeaway containers scattered across the polished surface of the big table.
Jack swallowed his mouthful and frowned across at Gwen. “Can’t tell you that. Spoilers… It’s not a good idea to mess with timelines; could screw up the future.”
“Oh, come on; surely you can tell us something!” Gwen was insistent.
“Why don’t you all tell me your hopes for the future, and I’ll tell you whether or not they’ll happen?” Jack stuffed another prawn ball into his mouth.
“I’ll start,” Ianto offered. “An end to prejudice and discrimination.”
Jack nodded. “Good one. Yes, that will eventually happen, although discrimination will be transferred to some alien races for a time.”
Tosh raised her hand. “Machine intelligence!”
“Yes, but in the form of organic technology.”
“How about flying cars? I’ve been wanting one of them since I was kid,” Owen said.
“That will happen, but not on earth.”
“Um…” Gwen hesitated. “Okay, got one. Weather control.”
Jack laughed. “Now that would truly be miraculous, but it’ll never happen.”
The End