Title: Out Of The Rain
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Buffy, Angel
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Early Season Two.
Summary: There’s always somewhere to take shelter in a cemetery.
Written For: Challenge 393: Amnesty 65 at
fan_flashworks, using Challenge 264: Shelter.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Contrary to its name, Sunnydale isn’t always sunny; the town sees its share of cloudy days and nights. Rain is not unheard of.
Buffy usually skips patrol when the weather’s bad, not just because it ruins her hair but because vampires tend to stay home too. There are fewer victims out on rainy nights, and those that do venture forth get back indoors as quickly as possible.
Tonight, the weather was supposed to be mostly dry with light showers later, but it looks like the forecast was wrong. Sometimes Buffy wonders why anyone bothers trying to predict the weather anyway. It seems like a waste of time and effort.
Thank goodness for mausoleums providing convenient shelter; that’s one thing Sunnydale’s cemeteries are good for. At least in here she’s out of the pouring rain and doesn’t have to worry about the storm raging overhead. Truthfully, she’s barely giving it a passing thought. If she’d been by herself, she might have stood just inside the doorway, looking out at the trees whipping in the wind, and the lightning streaking across the night sky, but she has better things to do.
Making out with Angel is by far the best way of passing the time while they wait for the storm to blow itself out. It may not be the most romantic setting, surrounded by mouldering bones in tombs rather like the one they’re sitting on, but she battles the undead on an almost nightly basis. The permanently dead don’t bother her.
“We should do this more often,” she murmurs to Angel when they pause for a moment.
“Make out in mausoleums?”
“Why not? Less chance of being interrupted when we’re not out in the open.”
They might have only ducked in here for shelter, but they’re in no hurry to leave.
The End