Title: The Right Tool
badly_knittedCharacters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 708: Pivot at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Martha finds herself being used as a component in one of the Doctor’s devices.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.
“So where does this friend of yours live?” Martha asked. She couldn’t see anything resembling a building.
“He doesn’t. Moves around a lot, he could be anywhere.”
“Then how do we find him?”
“We’ll need to build a detector.”
“Like that Timey Wimey thing a few weeks ago?”
“Exactly! Well, no, completely different really, more like a big compass.” The Doctor tied something to one end of a stick, then balanced the stick across Martha’s head. “You don’t mind being the fulcrum, do you? Easier for me to see which way it’s pointing.”
Martha sighed. “Now I’m an alien detector.”
The End