FAKE Fic: Emerald Green Eyes

Jan 20, 2023 17:52

Title: Emerald Green Eyes
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: Throughout the manga, up to the end of Vol. 6.
Summary: Dee and Ryo’s first meeting initiated a connection that just keeps getting stronger.
Word Count: 1223
Written For: Challenge 242: Eye at fan_flashworks. Also for my defunct serendipityclaims prompt table square ‘Emerald’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

The first day they’d met, Dee had leaned in close, asking if Ryo was part Japanese because of his dark, almost black eyes. He’d been right of course, and Ryo had admitted as much; he was half Japanese, even though it really only showed in his eyes. He just hadn’t expected anyone else to notice, hadn’t thought it was that obvious.

But although he didn’t know it, Dee hadn’t been the only one to find himself captivated. He had been looking so intently into Ryo’s eyes at that moment that it had been impossible for Ryo not to stare right back, meeting Dee’s gaze, and that had been only the first of many times since they’d been assigned as partners that he’d found himself getting lost, almost drowning in the emerald-green depths of Dee’s eyes. It had been almost impossible for him to look away.

Looking back that was probably when he’d first started to fall for Dee, even though at the time he’d been taken aback at how forward his new partner was. They’d literally only met a few minutes earlier and already Dee was getting right up in his face! Had he never heard of personal space? For that matter had nobody ever told him it was bad manners to behave so familiarly towards a new colleague? Even if he hadn’t felt the first stirrings of attraction towards the brash, raven-haired detective, Dee’s behaviour would have been more than a little disconcerting for Ryo, who wasn’t accustomed to complete strangers getting so up close and personal. As it was, he hadn’t known how to handle the situation, stammering out a reply and backing off to a more comfortable, or at least a less uncomfortable, distance, determined to keep the other man safely at arm’s length in future.

As if that was ever going to happen. His new partner’s initial behaviour had turned out to be Dee all over; he was always somehow worming his way into Ryo’s personal space, no matter how hard Ryo tried to keep a respectable distance between them. And it wasn’t just Ryo’s personal space that Dee tended to invade either. No one was safe. Dee used his physical presence both to intimidate suspects and to encourage cooperation from witnesses.

The majority of women, on occasion even the victims of crimes, would practically melt when Dee moved in close to them, turning on the charm and fixing them with a laser-beam gaze from those remarkable emerald-green eyes. They had no hope of resisting, and Ryo couldn’t help but sympathise with them; his partner was shameless when it came to flirting in order to get information, and there was no denying he was good at it.

Suspects, for obvious reasons, saw the other side of Dee, and Ryo had good reason to hope he’d never have that icy green glare directed at him, because just seeing Dee’s eyes devoid of their usual warmth was enough to chill him to the bone, even when someone else was on the receiving end. He far preferred to see Dee smiling and cheerful, although much of the time there was little enough to be happy about in their line of work.

As time passed, Ryo learned to gauge Dee’s moods more by the color of his eyes than from the rest of his face. Dee put on a mask to hide his emotions when they were working, as Ryo himself soon learned to do; it was a matter of necessity. As detectives in the Serious Crimes Unit, the had to investigate some of the worst acts of violence and cruelty that people could commit against each other, including murder, rape, child abuse, and brutal assaults. No matter how much the job sometimes got to them, in order to give victims and their families confidence in their abilities to solve those horrendous crimes, they had to appear calm and in control rather than emotional and visibly upset.

While it was easy enough with practice to force a bland, professional, encouraging smile, or at least to not break down in tears in front of everyone, there was nothing either of them could do to keep whatever they were feeling from showing in their eyes. Those long-supposed windows to the soul had a way of broadcasting every emotion; Ryo knew his own often gave him away, so it was no surprise to find that Dee’s were the same. When he was angry, no matter how carefully he schooled his features, his eyes would turn bright and hard, seeming to flash sparks of green fire. Sadness turned the normally vivid emerald depths dull and muddy, while happiness warmed them as if they were lit from within, and laughter made them sparkle like sunlight dancing on the ocean.

Most often though, when Dee was so close that Ryo could almost count the long, midnight-black lashes that framed his partner’s eyes, Dee’s lustful gaze would burn into him, scorching green fire igniting answering sparks within Ryo that he could never entirely quench, no matter how hard he tried. Right from the start, a part of him had known that Dee’s eyes would be his undoing; how could anyone resist such dazzling intensity indefinitely? It was impossible.

If Dee was fascinated by the darkness of Ryo’s eyes, then Ryo was eventually forced to admit, if only to himself, that he was equally mesmerised by the startling color of Dee’s. He’d never met anyone before with eyes such a vivid shade of green, and they contrasted very appealingly with Dee’s black hair and olive-tinged skin. By anyone’s standards, Dee was an extraordinarily attractive man, and the more Ryo found himself pinned by Dee’s openly appreciative stare, not to mention the other man’s muscular body, the more he felt drawn to him. Dee didn’t play fair, what with all the staring, and the kissing, the touching, and the pouncing.

When it came right down to it, the reason Ryo fought so hard to get away whenever Dee pounced wasn’t because he disliked Dee’s attentions, but rather because he liked them a whole lot more than he was comfortable with. He was afraid that if he let Dee go too far, he might do something that couldn’t be undone, and for the longest time, he just wasn’t ready for that. He couldn’t just do a complete 180 in terms of his sexuality at the drop of a hat; he wasn’t bisexual like Dee, able to go either way, guys or girls, according to who happened to catch his eye at any given moment.

Deep down he’d always been aware that he was attracted to guys rather than girls, but he’d spent so long trying to fit in, to be straight, the same as all his friends, that making the adjustment to being gay, or rather accepting his true sexuality, wasn’t something he felt able to rush. There would be no abrupt U-turn for him, more of a gentle curve, like negotiating a wide bend in the road of his life, until he was in effect travelling in the opposite direction, embracing his sexuality instead of trying to hide from it. He’d get there, he was certain, but in his own time and at his own pace, and he’d use Dee’s emerald-green eyes as a beacon to guide him to where he belonged.

The End

fic, fake fic, serendipity prompt tables, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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