Title: Gone Astray
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 739: Record at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack is far too easily distracted when he should be focussed on work.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
One minute Jack was right beside Ianto as they hurried through the market, heading towards the coordinates of a small Rift spike that had registered on Tosh’s monitoring programme a little while ago, and the next he was gone.
Ianto stopped, quickly checking his scanner to confirm whatever had arrived was still in the same location, then spun around, eyes searching the crowds for the familiar coat, spotting it at one of the stalls they’d passed. Cursing under his breath, he went to retrieve Torchwood’s leader.
Jack was flipping through one of several boxes of records set out on a table. Ianto sighed.
“I should’ve known. We don’t have time for bargain-hunting right now, Jack; we have somewhere we need to be!”
“But…” Jack turned beseeching eyes on his lover. “He’s got Frank Sinatra!”
“We can look on the way back, okay? Business before pleasure.”
Jack actually whimpered as he thrust a handful of LPs at the stallholder, along with a tenner. “Can you hang onto these for me? The name’s Harkness. I’ll be right back.” Reluctantly he let Ianto drag him away.
“You and your record obsession,” Ianto huffed. “Let’s find what we came for, then you can browse.”
The End