FAKE Double Drabble: Campaign Promises

Nov 19, 2022 16:47

Title: Campaign Promises
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Political campaigns are always filled with empty promises.
Word Count: 250
Written For: Challenge 387: Amnesty 64 at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 373: Stamp.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble and a half, 250 words.

Watching the evening news, Dee shook his head as once again, a candidate for mayor made a promise he wouldn’t be able to keep.

“It’s always the same with these guys. They come along, full of ideas and empty promises they forget about as soon as they take office. This one claims he’s gonna stamp out violent crime. Can ya believe it?”

Ryo snorted, sinking onto the sofa beside his partner and passing Dee a mug of coffee. “How does he expect to do that?”

“Employ more cops, increase the number of patrols, crack down on prostitution…” Dee trailed off, frowning. “Can’t see that last one makin’ much difference, but what do I know? I’m just a cop, not a politician.”

“Nothing on tougher gun control laws?”


“Figures. And you can bet if he gets elected, there won’t be any more cops on the streets because the city won’t have the money to pay them.”

“Sounds about right,” Dee agreed, sipping his coffee. “Stampin’ out crime of any description takes more than empty promises. Maybe I should run for mayor myself and promise to stamp out corruption in politics.”

“You’ve got as much chance of doing that as this guy has of stamping out violent crime,” Ryo pointed out.

“You’re probably right, but at least I’d be willin’ to give it a damn good try. Plus I’d promise more cops, higher wages for city employees, tighter gun control laws, and I’d keep my word.”

“I’ll run your election campaign.”

The End

fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, dee laytner, fake, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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