FAKE Triple Drabble: Losing Track

Oct 19, 2022 17:47

Title: Losing Track
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Bikky.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Sometimes when you’re overworked day-to-day life can away from you.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Confusion’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.

Work had been insane recently; Ryo didn’t know why, just that the number of crimes he and his partner were investigating had doubled, and it wasn’t only their workloads that had gotten heavier. Every police precinct across the city was struggling as tempers flared for no apparent reason.

Dee had blamed it on the full moon at first, things always got a bit crazy around then, but that had been a couple of weeks ago and there’d been no let up since. Road rage, armed robberies, violent assaults… A guy in a diner had pulled a gun and taken everyone hostage because the waitress had told him they were out of apple pie, and that was just one of at least a dozen violent incidents the two-seven’s Serious Crimes Unit had handled over the last few days.

Everyone had been pulling double shifts, and all leave had been cancelled as the NYPD did their best to weather the storm and keep the citizens of New York, the law-abiding ones at least, safe from harm.

When his alarm clock went off, Ryo dragged himself out of bed and got ready for another day of trying to keep the peace, then he went to wake his son.

“Come on, Biks, time to get up.” He pulled the covers from over Bikky’s head.

Sleepy blue eyes blinked up at him. “What time is it?”

“Almost seven. You don’t want to be late.”

Bikky frowned. “Late for what? It’s Saturday!”

Ryo stopped hallway to the door and turned around, confused. “Saturday? Are you sure?”

“’Course I am. What day did you think it was?”

Walking back to the bed, Ryo sat down on the edge. “Honestly? I have no idea; I’ve kinda lost track.”

“You work too hard.”

“Yeah? Try telling the criminals that.”

The End

ryo maclean, fic, fake fic, fake, bikky, drabble, fic: pg

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