Title: Out Of Action
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Owen, Ianto.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 730: Divide at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto has been injured.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Jack practically pounced on Owen the moment he stepped out of the med bay. “How is he?”
“A whole lot better than he should be, considering. He won’t be using that arm for at least three weeks, but he got lucky; nothing’s broken, just some torn ligaments in the shoulder and a few deep puncture wounds from that thing’s teeth.”
The alien had led the team a merry chase, but just when they’d thought they had it cornered, it had lunged for freedom, and when Ianto had tried to block its escape, it had sunk its teeth into his left arm, dragging him down and almost dislocating his shoulder in the process.
Ianto had put a bullet through the creature’s head before it could rip his arm right off, but it had taken both Jack and Owen to prise its jaws apart and free his arm.
“As long as Ianto’s alright, nothing else matters,” Jack said firmly.
“Glad to hear that,” Ianto said, joining them, one arm in a sling. “Because for the next three weeks, the rest of you are going to be picking up the slack.” He handed Jack a list. “I’ve divided my regular tasks between you.”
The End