Stargate SG-1 Ficlet: Earth Food Isn’t Easy

Sep 09, 2022 17:54

Title: Earth Food Isn’t Easy
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Teal’c, Jack O’Neill.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Not really, set during Teal’c’s first day on earth.
Summary: Teal’c gets to sample earth cuisine for the first time.
Word Count: 516
Written For: paian’s prompt ‘Stargate SG-1, original team, Teal’c’s first encounter with Jell-O,’ at fic_promptly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate: SG-1, or the characters. They belong to their creators.

The commissary was crowded when O’Neill led Teal’c in for his first meal on earth. People stared at them, curious, but Teal’c ignored them. His body required fuel, and while many of the food aromas were unfamiliar, they were not unpleasant. His stomach rumbled hungrily

“Grab a tray and just help yourself to whatever takes your fancy,” O’Neill told him, doing so himself.

Teal’c followed his example, selecting meat and vegetables, fresh fruits, bread, and…

“O’Neill, what is that substance?”

“This?” O’Neill raised the dish in his hand, the contents of which were quivering strangely. Teal’c found the sight oddly unsettling. Food did not usually move by itself. “This, T, is Jell-o.”

“It is blue.”

“Yeah, I prefer the green myself, but the blue is good too.”

“It moves.”

“Don’t let that put ya off, it’s not alive or anything, it’s just… wobbly. Believe it or not, that’s a big part of the appeal.”

“I see.” Teal’c did not understand exactly, but it seemed impolite to say so. He picked up a dish of the quivering blue substance and set in on his tray. When among the Tau’ri it would perhaps be wise to follow their example. Following O’Neill to a vacant table, he set his tray down, seated himself, and began to eat. The food was good; not as good as that cooked by his wife, but better than what had been provided for the Jaffa serving aboard Goa’uld vessels.

He ate the various foods in the same order as O’Neill did, not wishing to cause offence to his hosts by behaving inappropriately; he had much to learn about the customs and conventions of this world. Finally, O’Neill reached for his bowl of Jell-o, and Teal’c copied him, picking up a spoon and trying to capture some of the wobbly substance. It proved harder than it at first appeared, as though the Jell-o were attempting to evade his spoon.

“You are sure it is not alive?” he finally asked dubiously.

“Positive, we don’t eat live food here, and this is basically water, gelatin, coloring, and flavoring; all perfectly natural chemicals. There’s nothing living involved, I swear.”

With a shrug, Teal’c persevered, eventually succeeding in spooning up a portion. It wobbled precariously as he raised it to his mouth, but didn’t fall off. Teal’c felt a sense of satisfaction at having mastered the necessary technique, and thrust the spoon and its contents into his mouth, withdrawing the spoon. The Jell-o tasted… fruity and watery, strangely insubstantial, and seemed to dissolve against his tongue, needing little in the way of chewing. Quickly he took another spoonful, and before he knew it the dish was empty. “Are second helpings permitted, O’Neill?” he asked gravely.

“Sure, Teal’c; knock yourself out!”

“Why would I wish to do that?”

“That’s just a figure of speech. I meant if you want another dish of Jell-o, go get it. There’s always plenty for everyone.”

Teal’c bowed slightly and left his seat, returning a moment later with more Jell-o. Earth food was strange, but he believed he could develop quite a taste for it.

The End

fic, fic_promptly, stargate sg-1, fic: one-shot, ficlet, teal'c, jack o'neill, fic: g

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