Fic Of The Week - Week One Hundred And Seventy Two

Aug 08, 2022 19:08

I think I might have missed a week or two... Oh well, here's another fic foir yiour enjoyment!

Counting Stars by soera is a 17-part fic from October 2009. There are quite a few notes at the start which should at least be glanced at before diving in.

Synopsis Of Sorts: It's epic-length, it's a fix-it, a sort of between-the-episodes look at things that might have happened off-screen. There are OCs, there are cliches, there is angst, and smut, and schmoop by the barrel-load, and it is most definitely Jack/Ianto.

Read it on LJ HERE

Or, on Dreamwidth HERE - which means following the Counting Stars tag because the links in the chapters all lead back to LJ. Start at the bottom of the page.

Anyway, Happy Reading!

fic rec, fic of the week, reading

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