B5 Drabble: Baffled

Jul 17, 2022 17:51

Title: Baffled
Fandom: Babylon 5
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ambassador Delenn, Michael Garibaldi.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 21: Laughter at drabblesoup.
Spoilers/Setting: Midnight on the Firing Line.
Summary: Delenn discovers earth humor can be hard to fathom.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Babylon 5, or the characters. They belong to J. Michael Straczynski.

Everybody needs a good laugh now and then; there’s a reason laughter is referred to as the best medicine. Perhaps more than any other race the Minbari understand the importance of humor. They study it, learn to appreciate it in all its forms, because they do nothing half-heartedly.

Yet for all her years of study, Delenn is baffled. She does not understand this and wishes she did because Garibaldi’s laughter is full and rich, and she would share his amusement the way he is sharing his second favourite thing in the universe with her.

She simply doesn’t get Duck Dodgers.

The End

fic, delenn, michael garibaldi, babylon 5, drabble, drabblesoup, fic: g

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