FAKE Double Drabble: Too Hot

Jul 17, 2022 17:39

Title: Too Hot
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 303: Heatwave at drabble_weekly.
Spoilers/Setting: After the manga.
Summary: New York is baking in a summer heatwave, which is not fun when you have to work in it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble.

“Hot,” Dee groaned. “So hot!” He flapped a discarded newspaper like a fan, trying to stir the heavy air, make it marginally more breathable.

“Why it’s called a heatwave.” Ryo rolled a cold bottle of water across his forehead, relishing the deliciously chill sensation of the damp plastic against his overheated skin even though he knew the relief it brought wouldn’t last. Lowering the bottle, he unscrewed the cap and drank, draining half its contents in a few gulps.

New York in the middle of summer was like living in an oven. The sun’s rays reflected off windows and cars, back and forth, like they were shining from every direction at once. Because it was midday and the sun was right overhead, there was no shade to be found without going into one of the nearby buildings. Not that it would be much cooler indoors, with what air-conditioning there was in this part of the city laboring to reduce the temperature by a scant few degrees.

Dee gave up with his newspaper and opened his water bottle, savoring each mouthful. “I wanna fill my bathtub with ice-cream and wallow in it.”

Ryo frowned. “You’d get all sticky.”

“Totally worth it.”

The End

fic, fake fic, drabble_weekly, ryo maclean, dee laytner, fake, drabble, fic: pg

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