FAKE Quadruple Drabble: Good Samaritans

Jun 11, 2022 18:39

Title: Good Samaritans
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, OFCs.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Dee and Ryo come to the aid of an elderly woman.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘The Fallen’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

“Ever get the feeling nobody appreciates us?” Ryo asked wryly as another door was slammed in their faces.

Dee shrugged. “Only every five minutes.” He led the way to the next apartment, where once again, they were cursed at before another door was slammed shut, hard enough to make flakes of paint shower down on them from the ceiling. Canvassing for witnesses could be a thankless task. Reaching the end of the hallway, they returned to the staircase and headed up to the next floor.

They were halfway along, and having no luck, when they knocked on the door of the next apartment. Just as they were about to turn away, assuming nobody was home, they heard a thumping sound and faint cries. Glancing at each other, they drew their guns, tried the door handle, then kicked the door in, announcing themselves as police.

In the kitchen, they found the elderly apartment owner lying on the floor, unable to get up. While Dee called for an ambulance, Ryo grabbled a blanket from the sofa and covered the injured woman.

“It’s okay, we’re cops. Help’s on the way. You’re going to be fine. I’m Detective Maclean, but you can call me Randy; what’s your name?”

“Katherine. I’m scared, please don’t leave me.”

“I won’t, I promise. I’m right here.” He sat on the cold floor beside her, holding her hand, until the paramedics arrived.

Unwilling to abandon Katherine, Ryo went with her in the ambulance while Dee followed in their car. The canvassing would just have to wait; living people were more important than the dead.

Sometimes act of kindness were rewarded, and few days later…

“Are you Detective Maclean?”

Ryo glanced up from his paperwork. “Yes, can I help you?”

“I wanted to thank you and your partner for what you did for my mother, Katherine. I’m sure you must have been busy that day, and you didn’t have to stay with her the way you did. That was very kind of you, it meant a lot to her.”

“How is she doing?”

“Much better, thanks to you.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“She’s being discharged tomorrow and moving in with me. She’s just too frail to be on her own now dad’s gone. Anyway, I wanted to give you this; it’s not much, but…” the woman handed over a box of chocolates. “The world needs more people like you.”

The End

fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, dee laytner, other character/s, fake, drabble, fic: pg

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