Title: A Cure For Boredom
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Team.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 710: Twist at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Team Torchwood is bored, but Jack has the cure.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Working for Torchwood was exciting, you never knew what you’d be faced with next. Weird alien devices, mysterious objects, actual aliens, some friendly and others decidedly hostile... When it came to variety, most of the time Torchwood couldn’t be beaten.
There were downsides of course. The constant threat of sudden death or serious injury, the necessity for secrecy, never-ending piles of paperwork... Then there was the thing they dreaded above all else, the days when nothing happened.
Usually there’d still be things to do, like completing overdue paperwork, but this was the third day of inactivity, even Jack had caught up with his backlog, and Ianto had filed everything. Normally, by this point they’d have gone home, but today they couldn’t, because the Rift monitor was indicating that something big would be happening soon. It could be in half an hour, it could be six hours, try as she might, Tosh was unable to narrow it down further, and the wait was driving them all crazy. Nobody could settle.
Suddenly, loud music blared out.
“Let’s twist again...” Jack sang, swivelling his hips. “Come on everybody! Dance with me!”
They were still dancing when the Rift alert sounded two hours later.
The End