Stargate SG-1 Ficlet: Hope

May 02, 2022 17:45

Title: Hope
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Teal’c, Jack O’Neil, Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Children of the Gods Part 2.
Summary: When Teal’c meets the strangers, he feels the first real stirrings of hope for his people.
Word Count: 403
Written For: My own prompt ‘Stargate SG-1, Teal'c, "I choose freedom.",’ at fic_promptly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate: SG-1, or the characters. They belong to their creators.

These strangers are unlike all other humans Teal’c has encountered. They are not primitives, they do not behave like slaves, and they are not cowed by the false gods. Their style of dress is unfamiliar to him, and they carry powerful weapons that are not of Goa’uld design; they are brave and strong despite being so few in number. It is not that they do not fear the might of the Goa’uld, they are not so foolhardy, but they do not bow down before them. It is… interesting.

As First Prime of Apophis, Teal’c has unrestricted access to the dungeon where all those taken captive wait to see if they will be among the chosen. It is easy for him to confront the strangers, and what he learns of them brings unanticipated hope to his heart. They are of the Tau’ri, from the lost world! He departs to find solitude; there is much for him to consider before he can come to any decision, but when he returns some while later…

“I can save these people! Help me!” the leader of the strangers entreats him, resolute and determined. It is clear the human sees something in Teal’c, just as Teal’c perceives something in him, perhaps a kindred spirit. They are both warriors, but perhaps they need not be in opposition.

“Many have said that.”

But for the first time, Teal’c can believe the truth of this one’s words, and as he turns his staff weapon on his fellow Jaffa, he makes his choice. These strangers represent the hope he had doubted in his darkest hours that his people would ever find. With the help of the Tau’ri, the false gods might some day be defeated, and when he’s offered the chance to go with them, to leave Chu’lak and return to the Tau’ri homeworld, Teal’c takes it.

He has been too long in servitude to the Goa’uld; it is time to take a stand now there are others willing and, he believes, able to stand with him. His heart pounds as his spirit soars; this is the day he has longed for, the first step in the liberation of his people. There is a choice to be made, and never has anything been so uncomplicated.

‘I choose freedom.’

He truly believes it is a choice that someday, perhaps in his own lifetime, all his people will have the opportunity to make for themselves.

The End

fic, fic_promptly, stargate sg-1, fic: one-shot, ficlet, teal'c, jack o'neill, fic: g

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