Stargate SG-1 Ficlet: Shattered Heart

Apr 22, 2022 18:21

Title: Shattered Heart
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Pete Shanahan, Sam Carter.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 473
Spoilers: Threads.
Summary: Pete had such hopes for the future, but now his heart is shattered.
Written For: Challenge 282: Over / Under at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate: SG-1, or the characters. They belong to their creators.

Just like that it was over, just when all his dreams had been almost within his grasp, and Pete wished he could say he’d never seen it coming, but deep down… maybe he’d always known. Sam was far better than someone like him deserved, and no matter how much he wished otherwise, he was never going to be good enough for her, not when it came right down to brass tacks. He was just a cop while she was a scientist, an astrophysicist, and an air force officer who spent her days travelling to other planets and battling aliens. Talk about mismatched.

But he loved her, and even now he couldn’t help thinking that on some level she loved him too, otherwise what had she been doing with him all these months, just stringing him along for fun? No way, he’d never believe that; Sam wasn’t cruel or manipulative, she was good people, kind and caring, dedicated to protecting the planet, and even though she’d just crushed his dreams underfoot he still couldn’t regret being with her. She’d been worth the risk, but in the end, whatever it was she’d felt for him hadn’t been enough.

He’d been willing to give her everything, a beautiful house with a yard for kids and dogs, someplace to come home to whenever she was on earth. Obviously that hadn’t been enough either, or not what she’d wanted. Maybe it was too much, or maybe it was everything she’d ever dreamed of, and he was just not the guy she wanted it with. Yeah, he wasn’t blind.

When he’d proposed he’d been so full of hope, for her, for them, for the future and all it could bring, and she hadn’t said ‘no’, but she hadn’t said ‘yes’ either, just kept him hanging for weeks, waiting for her answer. Maybe he should’ve cut his losses then, realised he’d never have her, she was meant for greater things than being a cop’s wife, but when she’d finally given him her answer and it had been ‘yes’… He’d been over the moon, out among the stars himself, until he’d been brought crashing back down to earth. Now he just felt hollow. He couldn’t even summon any anger; what would be the point? Sam had made up her mind, he wasn’t about to grovel and beg, he did still have some pride left, wounded though it might be. So he’d accept her decision with as much grace as he could muster, wish her well, then go home and cry in his beer.

For a little while he’d had everything, and now he’d lost it all. The only thing he could do now was move on; pick himself up, dust himself off, glue the shattered fragments of his heart back together again, and start over.

Better luck next time.

“Bye, Sam.”

The End

fic, pete shanahan, stargate sg-1, fic: one-shot, ficlet, fan_flashworks, sam carter, fic: pg

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