Title: The Bright Side
badly_knittedCharacters: Twelfth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 549: Inconvenient at
Spoilers: The Return Of Doctor Mysterio.
Summary: The Doctor finds himself in a rather precarious position.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.
It’s confoundedly inconvenient, but then so many things are when you’ve lived as long as the Doctor has. All he’d been doing was building a trap. Well, something to calm down the time distortions he accidentally caused, which isn’t quite the same thing, but explanations can be tricky.
Anyway, he’d been up on a roof, constructing his ingenious contraption, when he’d accidentally set it off, and now he’s hanging upside down from a fraying cable a very long way above the ground. That’s not terribly good.
On the other hand, at least now he knows for sure his device works.
The End