FAKE Ficlet: Unexpected Hazard

Oct 29, 2021 17:47

Title: Unexpected Hazard
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Being a cop is dangerous, Dee knows to be careful, but sometimes life dishes out previously unanticipated hazards.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Challenge 211: Jagged at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters.

Cops led dangerous lives; that was a simple fact, and New York was well above average on the chart of most dangerous places to work in law enforcement. Half the time the criminals were better armed than the police, but in most cases the police were better trained and had backup, so that helped even the odds.

Nevertheless, the possibility of getting injured on the job was something every cop had to accept. Sure, there were some who managed to get through the whole of their career without ever suffering a work-related injury, others who never had to draw their gun for anything other than target practice, but nobody could count on being one of the lucky SOBs who sailed through their time on the force like they were somehow untouchable. That took a special kind of luck, and Dee had learned while he was still in the academy that he was never going to be one of the lucky ones.

He’d been shot, stabbed, slashed at with knives, almost blown up, clubbed with anything the criminal elements could lay their hands on, been on the business end of a nail gun, suffered cuts, scratches, scrapes, sprains and strains during chases and fights, even had an eager to please rookie run a patrol car over his foot. He figured if he could survive long enough to retire from the force, he could survive anything.

In short, he was tough, had grown up on the mean streets of the Big Apple, and could handle anything that was thrown at him, often literally, which was what made this little incident so damned unfair! Hell, he wasn’t even on duty! Nobody had ever told him grocery shopping could be hazardous to your health. He was even starting to view supposedly healthy food options as potentially lethal. So much for trying to eat better. Less processed food and more fresh fruit and vegetables.

“ARGH! Dammit!” He clutched at his hand, where blood was welling from a jagged gash across his palm.

“Dee! What happened? Let me see.” Ryo rushed over to him and produced a clean, white handkerchief from his pocket, wrapping it tightly around the injury. “You need to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.”

“I know that!” Dee’s breath hissed between his teeth as he squeezed the handkerchief. “You and your fresh fruit salad!” he muttered. “Maybe we should forget about the pineapple. They bite!”

Understanding dawned. “Oh, you didn’t! Don’t you know how sharp pineapple leaves are? They’re like jagged saw blades, no wonder you cut yourself if you just grabbed one by the top!”

“Hey, you’re the one who told me to press the bottom to check for ripeness. How was I supposed to do that without pickin’ one up? It was heavier than I expected.” As he’d been lifting it the leaves had slid through his hand.

Ryo winced. “You’re lucky you didn’t slice half your fingers off.”

“In future, you want a pineapple you can get it yourself.”

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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