Title: Torchwood Interference
badly_knittedCharacters: Kathy Swanson, Jack, Team.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 673: Reflect / Reflection at
Spoilers: They Keep Killing Suzie.
Summary: Kathy Swanson is tired of the way Torchwood just gets to take over crime scenes.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
D.I. Kathy Swanson fumed silently as once again one of the Heddlu’s crime scenes was usurped. Captain Jack Harkness was a menace, and if she could, she’d ban him from interfering.
Unfortunately, his authorisation came straight from the crown. One of her superiors a few years back had lost his job because he’d had the Captain’s whole team locked up when they got in the way of a police investigation, and as a result, five civilians had died. How or why, Kathy didn’t know, just that the deaths were a direct result of Harkness and his team not being permitted to do their job.
Still, the way Torchwood always ran roughshod over everyone didn’t reflect well on the Cardiff police. It made them a laughingstock; she’d heard some of the jokes made at their expense, about how they needed outside help because they couldn’t do their jobs, and how they had to ask permission to attend their own crime scenes.
Well, this time Torchwood wouldn’t be getting things all their own way. The organisation’s name was splashed in blood all over the wall above the bodies of the victims; Harkness and his people were involved somehow, and Kathy wanted answers.
The End