Doctor Who Drabble: Diagnosis

Jul 18, 2020 18:04

Title: Diagnosis
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 422: Prop at dw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Although she’s training to be a Doctor, Martha is a bit out of her depth.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

“Doctor? Are you alright?” Martha was understandably worried; the Doctor definitely wasn’t himself, and while she was a medical student well into her residency, she wasn’t studying alien medicine. All she knew about the Doctor’s physiology was that he had two hearts, information that didn’t help in the slightest.

“I’m fine. Better than fine! I’m brilliant!” The Doctor swayed unsteadily and Martha grabbed him before he could fall. He was heavy so she propped him against a convenient wall.

Maybe he had concussion; he’d hit his head pretty hard.

“How many fingers am I holding up?”


“Yep, definitely concussion.”

The End

fic, dw100, martha jones, the doctor, doctor who, drabble, fic: g

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