Mar 02, 2006 11:43
Cigarettes (at least, B&Hs) are up to $7.65 at the convenience store downstairs. Sammy, our lovable adoptive Palestinian convenience store owner who claims to love America and freedom has clearly given himself over to FASCISM. I accused him of this; he reasserted his love for freedom and democracy and added that this means I should quit smoking. He's probably right and of course the new tax isn't his fault, but still. FASCISM.
EDIT (noting, of course, that while Jerrod thinks that Jimmy Carter is history's greatest villain, I reserve that title for the Gipper):
Moderniste7 (11:48:56 AM): FASCISM, Jerrod!
Moderniste7 (11:49:03 AM): Sammy lied when he said he loved freedom and democracy!
Moderniste7 (11:49:07 AM): He has given himself over to fascism!
“Jerrod” (11:49:12 AM): ?
“Jerrod” (11:49:14 AM): how's that?
Moderniste7 (11:49:24 AM): Cigarettes are up to $7.65
“Jerrod” (11:49:37 AM): oh wow
Moderniste7 (11:49:46 AM): I know, it's wild
“Jerrod” (11:49:47 AM): you konw where all that money comes from, don't you?
Moderniste7 (11:49:51 AM): You quit just in time
“Jerrod” (11:49:53 AM): your side of the isle!
“Jerrod” (11:49:56 AM): taxes!
“Jerrod” (11:50:00 AM): and excessive government regulation!!!
“Jerrod” (11:50:09 AM): too bad no liberal politicans have any MORAL COURAGE!
“Jerrod” (11:50:16 AM): would that the gipper were resurrected!
Moderniste7 (11:50:19 AM): I know, I know
“Jerrod” (11:50:22 AM): yup
Moderniste7 (11:50:44 AM): The Gipper would ride about the city in zeppelins dropping packs of Dunhills and Dunhill Menthols, for you, on his happy citizens
“Jerrod” (11:51:34 AM): damn right he would
“Jerrod” (11:51:43 AM): and any district that tried to stop him
“Jerrod” (11:51:49 AM): such as by erecting a...WALL
“Jerrod” (11:51:55 AM): he would say, "Mr. X...tear down this wall!"
“Jerrod” (11:51:58 AM): and they would
“Jerrod” (11:52:04 AM): because he's the gipper, damnit
Moderniste7 (11:52:12 AM): They would tremble in the wake of his moral courage, for sure
“Jerrod” (11:52:13 AM): and if that didn't work
“Jerrod” (11:52:19 AM): he'd get his good friend, Chuck Norris, to help him
“Jerrod” (11:52:28 AM): fuckin' A right they would!
“Jerrod” (11:52:40 AM): the forces of evil quiver in the face of moral courage like the gipper's