Mar 26, 2013 13:43

Hello people, I haven't written anything in the past few days....

Here is my written excuse for absence please accept this

Last Monday I had a dental appointment --was scheduled to have some molars that have been hurting me extracted.

First of all due to my great anxiety issues I had to mentally and then physically prepare myself for this event. I used kolopine and i talked myself into going saying over and over it would feel so much better after they were gone.

So I get there and Im nervous as hell and then I get into the chair and this lovely man starts his work.... novacaine --check ok you numb?? yup!! He begins his work he pulls the first one with quite a bit of effort. Then the second and OMG im clinging to the ceiling now.. it isn't supposed to hurt he says I should hear cracking and popping and feel pressure but no sharp pains. WELL THERE'S SHARP PAINS ALL THE WAY UP MY FACE AN INTO MY EYE SOCKET!! Finally he finishes and sends me on my way with an antibiotic and some tylenol 3. Ok day one afterwards.... face hurts as numbness wears off. No biggie take meds and antibiotics go to bed with ice pack. Wake up 2nd day after FACE is swollen... hurts like a Mofo. Take antibiotics sleep and pain meds. Day 3 I look like quazi moto. My face is grossly swollen and my eye is is a tiny slit. I go to the hospital as instructed by the dentist for iv antibiotics. Once they see my grotesque face they decide to send me for a cat scan first. After cat scan I get Iv antibiotics. Im given pain meds and also antibiotics two different bags are pumped into me. Then I wait.. wait wait wait....... finally I see a doctor who informs me that not only did the dentist extract my teeth he broke my face. Not in one place.. but 4 fractures. The Maxilla is broken as well as the maxillary sinus. Can you say MALPRACTICE?? thats what I am thinking anyways..surely a trained dentist would know if he is breaking your face while pulling teeth?

so I may not be on a whole lot as I go through this painful mess.
But dont give up on me I have lots to tell...
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