Sep 20, 2009 11:19
So, who's waiting with bated breath for the new season to start?
I can't wait for the Season 7 premiere of NCIS, and the first ep of NCIS:Los Angeles right after. I'm glad the Yankees are on a West Coast trip - the game won't start until 10, so the eps will be safely out of the way by the time it starts.
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And NCIS: LA ... well, the two introduction episodes kind of bored me to tears (or alternately pissed me off in regards to the portrayal of Ziva), so I doubt I'm going to even bother.
So, Rigil, what didn't you like about Season 6?
I made a post back in April ( that covers most of my initial issues, but when those final four episodes came out ... my opinion of the current showrunner took a sharp and precipitous nose dive.
Principally, my issues are with the characterizations. I hate the direction they've taken. In s6, Gibbs didn't seem to give a damn; DiNozzo was either the hyper-competent agent he should be ("Agent Afloat," that so-called Tiva arc at the end) or an utter moron incapable of tying his own damned shoes ("Knockout" springs to mind); McGee has turned into a smug, sanctimonious jackass who is flat out mean when it comes to his interactions with Tony; and Ziva ... God, I don't even know where to start with her. For all of their insisting that she's a super spy, I haven't seen a hint of it, especially since she was apparently too freaking stupid to realize that ( ... )
So -- which eps did you like?
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